How Long Do Cooked Beans Last in the Fridge?

Written By David Varnes

David Varnes is an Appliance Repair Professional with over 15 years of experience.

If you’ve ever cooked a big pot of beans, you know that they can be tricky to store. Do you put them in the fridge? The freezer? How long will they last?

In this blog post, we will answer all of your questions about how to store cooked beans.

How Long Do Beans Last in the Fridge?

Beans will last for 3 to 5 days in the refrigerator. After cooking, allow them to cool down before putting them in the fridge. bacteria growth can be prevented by getting them stored promptly and cold in the fridge.

How Long Do Cooked Beans Last in the Freezer?

All types of beans may be frozen. This is by far the most cost-effective method to keep them. Cooked beans may last anywhere from 1 to 2 months in the freezer if properly stored.

Even though it’s still safe to consume after 6 months, the flavor and taste can alter dramatically.

How Long Do Canned Beans Last?

Beans that have not been opened can be kept in your pantry or cupboard for as long as the best-before date has not passed. However, once opened, you should place the remaining contents into a plastic container for freezing.

If stored in the refrigerator, leftover canned beans will keep for about 3-5 days.

Use a container with a tight lid for storage.

Food spoilage, any pollutants, and dampness will be prevented from reaching the contents. You can also keep the leftovers in the freezer instead.

Just put them in freezer bags or storage containers, seal them tightly, then store them in the freezer. To prevent freezer burns, make sure to remove as much air as possible before sealing the container.

Related: How Long Do Avocados Last in the Fridge?

Can Dry Beans Soak At Room Temperature?

The USDA maintains that beans should soak for no longer than 2 hours. Some sources, however, claim you can leave them to soak for 4 to 8 hours. We’ll go by the US Food and Drug Administration’s advice when it comes to soaking beans.

The USDA is also concerned about the “Danger Zone,” where beans steep in the water for only 2 hours.

Before soaking, rinse your beans with cold water. Allow them to soak for no longer than a day, and remember to use plenty of salt in the water for flavor as well as preservation.

How Long Can Cooked Beans Sit Out?

It’s not advisable to consume cooked beans that were left out overnight. The majority of foods that sit at room temperature for extended periods of time enter the danger zone.

This is between 40°F and 140°F. Foods in the danger zone are susceptible to bacterial infections, making you and your guests ill.

How Long Can Dry Beans Sit Out?

The difference between dried beans and cooked beans is significant. You’ve undoubtedly noticed that dry beans aren’t kept in the refrigerator section of the grocery store.

When it comes to storage, there is no limit to the shelf life of dry beans. They may be kept for years in the pantry, although they will lose their nutritional value after 2 or 3 years.

Beans that are exposed to air lose their flavor over time, and they take longer to cook. Dry beans require from 45 minutes to 2 hours of simmering to become edible, depending on how old they are.

How Long Can Pinto Beans Sit Out?

Regardless of how nice the refried pinto beans appear, if they have been sitting for more than two hours, they must be thrown away. Not all bacteria produce a sour odor like dairy products when they become old.

If you don’t want to throw away those beans, put them in the refrigerator before 2 hours or keep them in a slow cooker that is on low, then serve them immediately.

How Long Can Black Beans Sit Out?

Black beans are a fantastic addition to your diet because they have so much to offer. Black beans’ properties can protect against heart disease and cancer, as well as a great source for vitamin A and calcium.

But avoid them if you’re not going to use them within 2 hours after cooking. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting sick from harmful bacteria that will flourish in the open air once cooked food sits out longer than recommended times.

How Long Can Navy Beans Sit Out?

When cooking dried navy beans, be sure to follow the same rules as to when cooking any other type of cooked bean.

They should not sit out longer than 2 hours and need to fridge before this time has passed or else they will start absorbing moisture from their surroundings which could lead them into the “Danger Zone.”

How to Make Your Cooked Beans Last?

Beans should be stored in an airtight container if you wish to keep them. A reliable air-tight container will preserve your cooked beans longer than wrapping a bowl with plastic wrap or wrapping it in foil.

Another great method to preserve cooked beans is to freeze them. It’s one of the reasons they’re so popular for healthy meal prep foods. Divide them up among a few containers for dinner-sized portions that you can reheat at your leisure.

Beans will keep for 1-2 months in the freezer, so write down the date you froze them when you put them in.

Can Beans Go Bad?

When properly stored, dried beans do not become rancid or go bad. However, they don’t retain their flavor for as long. After a few years, you may notice that they no longer taste as good, and after 5 years the vitamin content is typically depleted.

How Can You Tell If Beans Have Gone Bad?

If you find discolored skin, dark spots, or any obvious signs of mold on your beans, they should be thrown away. There should be no unusual odors if the beans have dried.

If your bag of beans gives off an unpleasant rotting smell when you open it, there may be molding, fermentation, or pest droppings in there so it’s best to discard the beans.

Can Bad Beans Make You Sick?

The toxin Phytohaemagglutinin is produced naturally in several types of raw beans, including broad beans, white kidney beans, and red kidney beans. This toxin causes gastroenteritis, an uncomfortable disease that drives most people to the restroom.


Beans are not only high in fiber and protein, but they’re also incredibly long-lasting and sustainable. Keep your canned and dried beans cool and dry to maximize their shelf life. Fresh beans should be refrigerated and consumed as soon as possible after purchase.

Most beans will last a few days in the refrigerator or can be frozen if kept cold. Check the other ingredients you’re using, but if it’s just beans, you should be ok.