Some people say that you should put apples in the fridge. But other people say that you shouldn’t.
Is this supposed food storage tip actually viable? After all, every still life of an apple we’ve ever seen depicts them carelessly sitting on a counter or kitchen table, so it’s got to be true. So should apples be refrigerated?
We researched to get to the bottom of things and discovered that we’d been doing our apples an injustice.
Should Apples Be Refrigerated?
Yes, apples should be stored in the refrigerator. According to the New York Apple Association representatives, the fridge is the optimum location for keeping apples. Apples will stay fresh for up to ten times longer if kept in the fridge than if left on the tree.
Apples like a cold environment, something in the range of 30-40 degrees. They also need high humidity, between 90 and 95 percent. For this reason, the crisper drawer is the best place for them. If your fridge has a setting to adjust the humidity in the crisper drawer, make sure it is turned up as high as possible.
When apples are stored at too warm of a temperature, they will ripen too quickly and become mealy. If it’s too dry, they will shrivel.
Of course, if you plan on eating your apples within a week or so, there is no need to refrigerate them. Just keep them in a cool, dark place like a pantry.
How Long Can I Store Apples In The Refrigerator?
Apples can generally last in the fridge for 6-8 weeks. Keeping them fresh is to make sure they’re not touching each other. Try not to pile them on top of each other or stack them up high in your fridge because it can cause bruising and spoilage.
You can store apples in the fridge by putting them in a crisper drawer. You can also store them by using an oxygen absorber. This will remove the moisture from the surface of the apple. When you bring the apple into contact with another food, you should wipe it down. But be careful not to damage it.
How Long Do Apples Last Unrefrigerated?
Apples last about 2-3 weeks unrefrigerated. But, as we said before, it is best to eat them within a week or so for the best flavor and texture.
Related: How Long Do Hard-Boiled Eggs Last Unrefrigerated?
How Can You Tell If An Apple Has Gone Bad?
You can tell if an apple has gone bad if it has brown spots on the flesh, is soft to the touch, or has a mealy texture. If an apple is starting to go bad, you can extend its life by storing it in the fridge.
Bad apples should not be eaten. They can cause stomach upsets and intestinal problems.
Apple Storage Tips
Now that you know that apples should be refrigerated, here are a few storage tips to keep in mind:
- To make your apples last as long as possible, keep them away from moisture. Humidity is good for the apples, but don’t rinse them until you are ready to eat them.
- You should keep your apples away from each other. This will stop them from getting sick. You should also wrap each apple in a piece of paper before putting them in the fridge.
- Don’t bother trying to save a bruised apple. Bruised apples won’t taste good, even if you put them in the fridge.
- Keep your apples away from other foods. Apples can absorb odors from other foods and also speed the ripening process of some other vegetables and fruits.
Do Apples Last Longer In The Fridge Or On The Counter?
It depends on the type of apple. Refrigeration can slow down the rotting process, but it will not stop it completely. Any apple stored in a fridge will eventually rot, just like when stored anywhere else.
Apples should be kept at room temperature until they start to brown or develop mold, then move into the refrigerator.
If you store apples in a refrigerator, they will last longer than just leaving them on the counter. The temperature of an apple’s skin regulates how fast it rots, so putting it in the fridge will slow down the process.
Apples should be stored in a refrigerator because the cool temperatures and low oxygen levels help prevent mold growth. However, do not store apples with other produce unless you want them to spoil faster than normal.
How to Save Leftover Apples?
If you don’t eat the whole apple in one sitting, you can slice it up for other things. You can put it in apple pie, dip it in something, or put it in oatmeal or salads. If you slice the apple, put lemon juice on top to stop it from browning.
The lemon juice helps to keep the apple from turning brown. The apple will taste just as sweet and fresh later in the day.
Why Should Apples Be Washed Before Eating?
Apples should be washed before eating to remove any dirt, pesticides, or other contaminants on the surface. Washing also helps to prevent the spread of bacteria and other diseases.
How to Wash Apples?
To wash apples, you will need:
- A bowl or sink of cool water
- A clean towel or paper towel
Wash the apples in cool water. Use a clean towel or paper towel to dry them off. Make sure to wash your hands after handling the apples.
Do not use soap or detergent to wash the apples. These products can leave residues on the surface of the fruit that may be harmful to consume.
If you are concerned about pesticides or other contaminants, you can spray vinegar on the apple’s surface. This usually takes around six sprays.
It is essential to know the best way to store your apples to last as long as possible. One of the most common ways people like keeping their fruit and vegetables is by refrigerating them, but this will not stop any rotting from happening eventually.
It’s a good idea to keep your produce away from moisture and other foods so that they don’t speed up the ripening process, and if you’re storing apples specifically, make sure to wrap each one in paper before putting them in the fridge.
If you notice an apple is starting to brown or develop mold, it’s best to throw it away since eating it could cause stomach upsets.
Lastly, always wash your produce before consuming it, even if you’re just going to eat the skin! This will help to remove any bacteria or contaminants that may be present.
Thanks for reading!